Adult Learning dates for 2025 have been added to the Learning calendar.
A link to the booking form can be found at the bottom of the page
More information on the courses below.
This is an opportunity to join other leaders from across the County to revisit existing skills and learn some new ones to help you with your section activities. The skills day will run from 09:30 to 16:30.
Sessions 1 to 3 each contain three skill, you can only choose to do one from each section, or just attend for 1 or 2 skills.
Session 4 no booking required.
Suitable for age groups
(Sq = Squirrels B = Beavers C = Cubs S = Scouts E = Explorers)
Session 1: (09.30 – 11.00)
1: Adventurous Activities:- Rules, permits and how to be safe (S,E)
2: Finding your way with Navigation:- using maps, compasses and exploring with our younger Sections (Sq, B, C)
3: Amazing Young Leaders:- what are Young Leaders and how they can be a great asset to your Section Team (Sq, B, C, S)
Coffee Break 11.00am – 11.15am
Session 2: (11.15 – 12.45)
1: Little Pickles :- tips and strategies to promote positive behaviour and deal with the minor interruptions (Sq, B, C, S, E)
2: Risk Assessments:- for leaders struggling to complete, record or share risk assessments, or just do them a bit better (Sq, B, C, S, E)
3: Backwoods skills:- fire lighting, cooking and much more (Sq, B, C, S, E)
Lunch 12.45pm – 1.15pm (Bring own packed lunch)
Session 3: (13:15 – 14:45)
1: Practical Pioneering:- how to do it and project ideas (S, E)
2: Digital Systems:- (Sq, B, C, S, E)
OSM;- how OSM can make all aspects of admin easier for you and your Team
New Membership System:- Not managed to log in yet? Can't find the learning you need to complete?
3: Getting Knotting:- knots for all and tips for sharing knots with your Section (Sq, B, C)
Session 4: (15:00 – 16:30) (No booking required)
Module 10B Practical First Aid (drop in)
Ask the Oracle:- a chance to ask any questions about anything Scouting
Download the programme for the Leaders Skills Day (PDF)
If you have completed your Growing the Roots training and wish to work towards your wood badge, then this weekend will cover the required modules to allow you to do this.
The modules to be covered over the weekend are
Module 08: Skills of Leadership
Module 09: Working with Adults
Module 13: Growing the section
Module 16: Introduction to Residential Experiences
Module 18: Practical Skills
Module 19: International
The learning will be a full weekend starting on the Saturday (09:00) and finishing on Sunday (16:00). Food and indoor accommodation will be provided.
More details will be provided near to the weekend.
This residential learning experience for Skills for Residential Experiences (Module 38), will be held at the Ferny Crofts Scout Activity Centre.
Module 38 is a full weekend starting on Saturday (08:45) to Sunday (15:00). Food and accommodation is provided, however you will sleep in tents on the Saturday night.
During the weekend you will learn about using and storing camping equipment, choosing a site, planning, paperwork, catering, as well as programme ideas, and gain the skills and knowledge to take your section away.
You will need to have completed the Introduction to Residential Experiences (Module 16) prior, for you to get the full benefit from the weekend.
More details will be provided near to the weekend.
The learning is being held at Ferny Crofts and will run from 19:00 to 21:30.
This module is open to all but attending the Introduction to Residential Experiences (Module 16), you will get the full benefit when attending the module 38 weekend.
This weekend is also very useful to those seeking to become Nights Away Assessor.
More details will be provided near to the date.
To book your place on any of the above you can either download an application form via the Adult Learning calendar page or use the online form.
Details of the residential weekends, face to face courses and webinars can be found , when they are become available, on the Adult Learning Calendar.