Two day (full) first aid courses

Home / Updates / Two day (full) first aid courses 

Who needs this training?

  • Those running First Response courses
  • People with activity qualifications who are likely to be more than 3 hours from help and/or their risk assessment indicates more than First Response is needed.

Course availability

We run courses from time to time which will be advertised on this page. Here are some forthcoming courses and other providers.

Hampshire Scouts course - ITC First Aid

4/5 July 2025 0900-1730 each day £125.00

Eastbourne Scout First Aid Team run regular courses. You can email them at [email protected].

Berkshire Scouts run regular 2 day courses for £90

Other providers

REC (Rescue Emergency Care) Emergency 2 Day Level 2 First Aid Andover area.

Hants Training ITC First aid at Testwood Lakes

Calshot ITC (Immediate Temporary Care) Outdoor FA

REC (Rescue Emergency Care) Emergency 2 Day Level 2 First Aid Southampton area.

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