Manager & Supporter

2024 & 2025 Manager and Supporter Courses

Session RefDayDateDurationSessionVenue & Booking
SE73Sat/Sun16th/17th November 2024WeekendSkill of ManagementEastleigh
SE81Sat15th March 2025One dayAchieving GrowthEastleigh
SE82Sun16th March 2025One dayMeeting the ChallengesEastleigh
All bookings for these South East England Region courses are via Eventbrite, using the venue / booking links above.

Dates for further courses will be added when they become available

More information on Manager & Supporter training and independent learning units can be found on the Scouts website.

Manager and Supporter Validation Templates:
The templates below, for download, are for M&S Training Advisers or Learners and can be edited to fit the role.

Institute of Leadership and Management: The Scout Association’s Manager and Supporter Training has been recognised as a Development Programme with the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM).
ILM recognition is the benchmark of high quality, bespoke, in-house leadership and management training.

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