First Aid Training

Keeping young people safe is our primary aim in Scouts. Having fun, taking part in adventurous activities, and experiencing new things comes a close second. One of the ways we do this is to ensure that a qualified first aider is present during our activities.

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Who needs training?

Everyone that has regular contact with young people (and helps delivery the programme) needs to completed the Scout First Response learning (or equivalent). A full list is available in POR Appointments: Table 2 Those with some activity permits and first aid trainers need a 16-hour course (see below).

What needs to be completed

First Response covers the skills and knowledge necessary to enable our teams to manage an incident and provide basic first aid. Our national First Response programme of learning has been developed in collaboration with Girlguiding, with a common syllabus, resources and acceptance between the two organisations.

Our First Aid learning comprises of two training elements:

  1. Module 10A - First Aid theory which covers the first aid theory which can be online or face to face
  2. Module 10B - First Aid practical which is a short 20-30 minute session covering assessment of a casualty and CPR, which is face to face.

In order to be registered as ‘compliant’ you must complete both parts of this training. Your completion date will be the date that you completed module 10A and is valid for 3 years.

We have different delivery routes included 6 hour face to face and blended e-learning and online/face to face sessions. You can find out more about the different routes here.

What about those with activity permits and First Aid Trainers?

If you are over 3 hours from help or your risk assessment requires it, people with activity permits might need to complete a full first aid course e.g. Outdoor First Aid. First Response trainers also require this qualification. You can find a list of courses here

External First Aid courses run by external providers

We run some e-learning modules for the most common first aid certificates to complete 10A. You will also need to complete 10B for Child CPR if this was not covered on the course. You can find out more here.

Running First Response courses and our Blended Approach

For Districts and counties wishing to run Module 10 (First Aid) please email [email protected].
Also please refer to the Guidance on running First Response courses within Hampshire

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